Inflating Life’s Physical Tire



For more than 25 years I have been teaching this tool, and have always started with the physical tire for reasons noted in my previous post dated May 4th.

Recently I received the following quote in my Inbox by Brian Tracy who is an International Motivator.

“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment, you perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.”

Whereas he speaks of tires being in alignment, and we speak of our physical tires being properly inflated; as a secular motivator I think he has captured the full impact of this biblical principle.

What causes physical flat tires? Just about anything ranging from a hick-up in our life’s routine to major sicknesses and – what many experience in today’s fast-paced world – two many tasks and too few hours in a day.

Regarding the latter, many approach me with the complaint that, “There are not enough hours in the day!”

I am not un-sympathetic to their lament, but I must confess my response may lead some to think differently:  “Do you mean God did it wrong when He established a 24 hour day?”

We inflate our physical tire by listening to our body. Getting proper rest, relaxation, exercise and a healthy diet, in proper amounts, together produces miracles. Add to this regime learning to say, “No,” when you are already over extended.

One more suggestion:  Keep a daily To Do List.

Start the list with what must be done before anything else can be done followed by a list of what should be done. Expect the unexpected. Emergencies will arise, and when they do quickly review your list of things to do that should be done and transfer them to tomorrow’s list if possible.

And most importantly, at the end of your day reflect on your accomplishments not on what went undone. Be nice to yourself.

Inflating the physical tire is prerequisite to inflating the mental, emotional and Spiritual tires. We’ll look at these next time.

Next time:  Inflating Life’s Emotional Tire