Until I titled this week’s blog last week I had never made this connection. I’m interested in seeing where my research leads as I support this conclusion. In her book The Compulsive Woman, Sandra Simpson LeSourd wrote: “My mind went back to a clinic lecture. If children are sexually molested, the “boundaries” of their …
Category: Discovering and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts
Jan 04
Procrastination: What It Is and What It Isn’t
Last time we talked about the three levels of change, i.e. superficial, situational, and substantial. The opening paragraph of that lesson is worth repeating since we have just celebrated New Year’s Eve that is often accompanied by new resolutions. Superficial change is temporary change at best. Going through our daily routine we may recognize …
Dec 14
Fifth of the Five Ways of Loving
When we looked at phileo love, which cherishes and has tender affection for the loved, we learned exercising this level of love always expected a response. The illustration used was you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. The fifth level of love however is at the opposite end of the spectrum. Of all …
Dec 06
Two More of the Five Ways of Showing Love
Of the five ways of showing love, last time we looked at two and this will be will look at two more. We learned that epithumia connotes a strong desire of any kind – sometimes good sometimes bad. It means to set the heart on; long for rightly or otherwise: or it can mean …
Nov 22
Levels of Love
Love is a complicated word to define especially the Americanized English version we employ conversationally and through writing. A trip to my dictionary was enlightening while at the same time mind-boggling in that 8 different aspects, or applications, were necessary to define love. And even these were not adequate as compared to love as defined …
Nov 01
Religion: A Prerequisite for Marriage and Friendships
As a jail chaplain I was often confronted by inmates asking, “Hey, Rev, How many God’s are there?” To answer I’d often hold up one finger pointing toward heaven. “If there is only one God why are there so many different religions?” My answer always got the questioners un-divided attention. “I don’t talk about …
Oct 25
Have Predetermined Prerequisites for Marriage
Up to this point our discussions have focused on problems and solutions to problems as they affect individuals mostly brought on by personal choices. We have stated we may be free to do whatever it is we want to do, but we are not free to choose the consequences of our choices. The consequences to …
Oct 18
God’s Plan for the Family
Even the casual observer has to admit, whether they believe in a Divine Creator or not, there is an established, recognizable symmetry and order in life and life’s surroundings. This also applies to family structure. Many teaching God’s Word as a guide for marriage picture this as God’s umbrella of protection for the family. The …
Oct 12
The Three Levels of Life
This is a brief lesson built upon three thoughts that have profound results when considered in concert one with the other. The Three Levels of Life1. Satanic = Evil given for Good2. Human = Evil given for Evil – Good given for Good3. Divine = Good given for Evil Initially I am usually misunderstood when …
Sep 27
Today the word, submit, seems to be a cuss-word, but it is not if practiced within the framework of the Biblical admonition. Admittedly it is a difficult concept to embrace because many in positions of authority abuse or misuse their authority. Submitting to the proper authority, that is, one that is truly an authority …
Sep 20
God’s Marriage Triangle
Picture the following as the three points of a triangle: God – Husband – Wife This principle is built upon Matthew 6:33 which has a very wide range of illustrations and applications – marriage included: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these (marriage) things shall be added unto you.” What …
Sep 06
Know What Makes Your Spouse Tick Not What Ticks Your Spouse
Now that I have your undivided attention this article isn’t going where you may think. This isn’t about pushing hot buttons. It is about how men and women are different although equal. We put this study under the heading of Personal Worth: Security and Significance. These are normal needs. If we weighed a woman …
Aug 16
Part One: The Creation of the Man and the Woman
Creating the male first did not establish his superiority, rather it established his need: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone (Genesis 18a).” Creating the woman second did not establish her inferiority, rather it established her mission: “I will make him an help meet for him …
Jul 19
Responses and Evaluation to: A Negative Approach to a Positive Response
After stating the case by assuming full responsibility and asking what you can do to make matters between you better, as detailed last time, there are three responses you can expect. It is good to know these possible responses to prepare for your next move. Response 1: You’re right; you’re wrong. If you get …
Jul 13
Part Three: The A, B, C’s of: A Negative Approach to a Positive Response
As noted previously, Scripture is replete in telling us what to do in the event of a communication breakdown – go and fix it – but it does not spell out the steps to follow in bringing about reconciliation. Apparently, this is a task for the Bible teacher. A – State the case non-accusatorially: “I …
Jul 04
Part Two: Communication Breakdown: A Negative Approach to a Positive Response
We closed last time with the statement: The hardest thing to give is in. Giving in, however, is not giving up. Giving in is taking the first step to reconciliation as Jesus commanded. Jesus spoke to this issue from two perspectives first in Matthew 5:23-24 and second in Matthew 18:15-17. First He said, “Therefore …
Jun 28
Part One: Communication Breakdown: A Negative Approach to a Positive Response
As pointed out previously: There is always a certain amount of right and a certain amount of wrong on both sides of every issue. Trying to determine who is most right and who is most wrong will never resolve the issue. In fact it will only drive the wedge of separation deeper. Scripture states …
Jun 22
Whose Problem Is It?
I often remark, It is funny how two people see the same thing differently – funny peculiar not funny ha-ha. The oldest form of problem solving is blame shifting. We read about it in Genesis 3:11b-12: God asked Adam, “Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? …
Jun 14
The Primary Resentment
One subject matter to be explored is entitled: Know What Makes Your Spouse Tick – Not What Ticks Your Spouse. This article, however, will zero in on what ticks almost everyone – Performance Based Acceptance (PBA). Earlier in this series we explored the thought Comparison Is Spelled K-I-L-L-E-R. We learned anytime a comparison is …
Jun 07
Life’s 4 Tires Carry Life’s 2 Loads
Root Level is not new terminology in the field of counseling, but different techniques for solving problems see the Root Level differently. Through this series we have pointed out facts about problems in general such as: Problems are solutions in disguise There is no change if there is no change Attack the problem and …
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CREATING the male first did not establish his superiority, rather it established his need: And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone.
CREATING the female second did not establish her inferiority, rather it established her mission: I will make an help meet for him.