The first time I heard the statement, “There is no change if there is no change,” I thought it redundant. But after the Holy Spirit explained it to me I saw the value of this truth: If you want tomorrow to be different from yesterday, you must do something different today. The World (society) says, …
Category: Changing Your Actions Regardless of Your Feelings
Sep 30
Who Is the Primary Source of Our Problems?
Last week I ended with the question: Who Is the primary source of our problems? Although the answer to this question does not come from a theological source the answer is consistent with Scripture. The answer actually comes from the comic strip character, Pogo, who boldly proclaimed: “We have met the enemy, and he …
Sep 21
Who is the Third Least Source of Our Problems?
Don’t allow the third least source of our problems open the door to blame shifting. Blame shifting is the oldest form of mankind’s attempt to explain away wrong behavior. We learn this from the Genesis 3:8-13 account wherein we read of Adam explaining to God, “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, …
Sep 14
The Second Least Source of Our Problems
Last time it was noted God is often blamed for letting things happen to us. It is wrongly asserted that because He is all-powerful He could prevent problems plaguing us. You may recall Flip Wilson saying with an impish grin, “The Devil made me do it.” That line was his hallmark expression spoken to …
Sep 11
The Rule of Proportion
To say problems are solutions in disguise doesn’t explain where problems might originate. The root-level of problems, I’ve found in thirty-plus years of counseling, comes from one of two areas or a combination of these areas: unresolved anger and/or unresolved resentments. There are four sources from which problems stem creating these unresolved issues. We’ll start with the …
Sep 01
Problems Are Solutions in Disguise
Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me-e. Happy birthday to me. Two things are hard for me to grasp. First, I am 80 years old today. My wife says 80 years young today. (Thank you, Dear.) Second, I am launching my blog today. Welcome to this First Edition. It …

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- Becoming One Flesh with Your Spouse
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CREATING the male first did not establish his superiority, rather it established his need: And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone.
CREATING the female second did not establish her inferiority, rather it established her mission: I will make an help meet for him.