Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me-e. Happy birthday to me. Two things are hard for me to grasp. First, I am 80 years old today. My wife says 80 years young today. (Thank you, Dear.) Second, I am launching my blog today. Welcome to this First Edition. It …
Category: Becoming One Flesh with Your Spouse

Do You Need Help:
- Applying Biblical Principles to Everyday Problems
- Becoming One Flesh with Your Spouse
- Changing Your Actions Regardless of Your Feelings
- Discovering and Developing Your Spiritual Gifts
- Getting Rid of Guilt and Resentments
- Identifying and Isolating Problems
- Knowing God's Will for Your Life
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What People Are Saying
God is working mightily through Tom Lacy and the New Hope Counseling Service ministry. The name is fitting. When we first came to see Tom, we had little hope that our marriage would make it. Attending that first meeting was our last investment of hope. Through the Grace of God, we left that meeting with a renewed hope that God could and would put our marriage back together. We stand today amazed at the miracle that is our marriage now. Our love is remembered, renewing, and growing day-by-day. Our children are blessed with a more peaceful home and we are enjoying their smiles of relief and joy. With God, there IS hope and He used New Hope Counseling Service to show us that Truth! Please don't give up! Call New Hope Counseling Service and let God lead your marriage to a new hope. - L.M. Richmond
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Testimonials page coming soon!
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CREATING the male first did not establish his superiority, rather it established his need: And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone.
CREATING the female second did not establish her inferiority, rather it established her mission: I will make an help meet for him.
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