Many subliminal signals alert us that something is amiss.
Our five senses of human nature, to wit: hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting work separately, or in concert, for the purpose of warning us and prompting us to take averting action(s).
Yes, instant action is often appropriate; if the house is on fire call 911. But heed this warning: Don’t try to make it make sense – right now if a problem is not that obvious. Why?
Unless there is immediate, eminent danger, moving without fully understanding the nature of a perceived problem can lead to a delay in taking appropriate action to combat the real problem – if there is indeed a real problem. We cannot always rely on the age-old saying: Where there is smoke there must be a fire.
When teaching this lesson in a counseling session the counselee blurted out, “That is what my Mother says I always do.”
“Your mother said, don’t try to make it make sense right now,” I asked?
“Well, not exactly. She says I always try to make sense out of nonsense.”
Now that is different.
If you sense something doesn’t seem to be right between you and someone else don’t try to make it make sense until getting more information on the matter. Pray about the matter. Investigate. Talk to the person.
Even if you cannot agree on what the matter is you do not have to be dis-agreeable. Civil people can be civil with one another.
Otherwise you run the risk of forming incorrect conclusions that lead to taking wrong actions to correct a perceived problem instead of addressing a real issue.
Next time: Attack the Problem and Not the Person